Let’s be honest. Our staff meets every Wednesday. Each time, we share “God Sightings” and prayer requests. Some days, we are overwhelmed by the God Sightings we hear from our Program Managers — women are reunited with their children, ex-offenders are accepted into Universities, widows receive the help they prayed for in private, and at-risk youth make mature choices in bad situations.
There are many meetings that read more like a list of what’s wrong with the world — women return to abusive men, people relapse into addiction, widows leave the church because of loneliness, and at-risk youth run away. Not to mention our Program Managers are exhausted and emotionally depleted by the needs they confront every day. We pray for rest and healing for our staff and that God would address the deepest needs of the people we serve. But, even so, while we are sitting around that table, the burden often feels heavy.
That’s why today we are rushing out the door to get this article in a frame. We will hang it beside our staff meeting table and will use it as yet another reminder that God works when His people Stand in the Gap.
Read the Tulsa World article about Jordan’s experience with Stand in the Gap’s Life Launch program.