We stand with people whose faces have been pressed to the ground.
We stand with people whose hands have been bound behind their backs.*
We stand with people whose voices have been unheard.*
We stand with people who have pledged to work for true justice and safety.*
We stand with people who labor for equality.*
And we kneel with you too.
We take our pleas for justice, our hopes for our children, and our mourning for our society to the throne of our God. We believe that Jesus grieves with us and that God will bring about true peace. In the meantime, we will strive to be His hands and feet of reconciliation.
As an organization, we have been working on behalf of the underserved and overlooked for more than 20 years. As a staff, we will continue to have conversations, to listen, to seek understanding, and to be committed to the fight against racism.
We acknowledge that society’s unrest disproportionately impacts the vulnerable people we serve. We will continue to seek relationships with these people while striving to be more informed and sensitive to their experiences of injustice.
*These are the stories of people that we serve and people on our staff.