In an increasingly unstable world,
hope is still the most important thing.
This month, we are sharing some of our “hope highlights” from the last 4 weeks.
May these short stories bring you hope.
Celebrating with Cecily!
"This is the first time I've ever had all four of my kids alone with me, ever ever" -Cecily
These smiles tell you everything you need to know... a woman working hard getting her life back on track to be the mom these kids want and deserve!

BIG milestone for Austin
Do you remember the day you got your driver’s permit??
Here are some shots of Life Launch mentor Andy helping Austin learn to drive and get his permit – what a BIG milestone in a teenager’s life!!
This team also grocery shops and cooks together – all essential skills.
We LOVE seeing our Life Launch teams do life together!
NEW team Launch!
We celebrate Chasity and her new Spiritual Family!
We kicked off the team this month and God is in the midst and it’s a beautiful start.
Thank you, Anna, Lanie & Kyle for Standing in the Gap 💜

WIT Graduate Carrie
When reflecting over to the past 12 months, everyone agrees the best moment was Carrie being restored to her girls, son & family.
But a close second was when Carrie moved into a house and her entire family chipped in to fix it up nice for her and her family.
Carrie now has reliable transportation, a great job for Habitat for Humanity, and is even a volunteer leader in her church... AND will now be volunteering with Stand in the Gap, giving back to a NEW Women in Transition team!
Now THAT'S a story worth celebrating - God is so good!
Women supporting Women...

WIT Graduate Elizabeth
We are celebrating Elizabeth's recent Women in Transition graduation!!
She has overcome some hard obstacles through this year. Elizabeth has been able to secure a different job with much better working conditions. She also got a reliable vehicle and remains clean and sober.
We are so proud of you, Elizabeth!