At Stand in the Gap, our volunteers are our greatest resource. They are the listeners, the advocates, the party-throwers, the encouraging-text-senders, the askers-of-questions, and the people of prayer that truly change lives.
We aren’t asking our volunteers to walk an easy road. We often ask our volunteers to commit to be in relationship with people who have not been in safe, committed relationships EVER before. Our volunteers are supposed to show up for one year, even when there’s something they’d rather do. We ask our volunteers to pray, even (especially) when things don’t go as they’d hoped.
The least we can do is provide our volunteers with the best, most comprehensive training that we can. And in our Life Launch program, we’ve just taken a big step in that direction! The new Life Launch volunteer training clarifies our program goals. And it equips new volunteers with the practical tools they will need to be in a healthy mentoring relationship.
Life Launch Program Director, TJ Warren, wrote the training, based on his years of experience building meaningful relationships with young adults from hard places.
The new Life Launch training manual explores:

How young adults from hard places are affected by their history,
including brain development and ways to respond
The four pillars of Life Launch
(compassion, humility, patience, and prayer)
The six Life Launch program expectations
so mentors have a road map for how to engage
New volunteers will walk away from training with a clear definition of (and boundaries for) the “mentor” role. They will also have practical tools to identify and heal trauma behavior.
And we aren’t done yet. Next up, we are heading to the studio to commit this information to video, making our training more user-friendly and more replicable than ever.
Current Life Launch mentors are welcome to attend a training night with the new material!
If you’d like to learn more about Life Launch and consider becoming one of Stand in the Gap’s SUPER volunteers, sign up for a Life Launch training today!!