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Hope is...Stand in the Gap

January’s 6 Hope Highlights

By January 26, 2022June 22nd, 2022No Comments

In an increasingly unstable world, 

hope is still the most important thing.

This month, we are sharing some of our “hope highlights” from the last 4 weeks. 
May these short stories bring you hope.

Reunification: God's Plan

Jessica has been working really hard to be restored to her children.
Finally, DHS said Jessica was doing SO good and sent her four children home to be reunited with their mom! <cue all the warm and fuzzy feelings>
All children are home, have started their school semester, and are all thriving!
This is why we do it, friends. This is God’s beautiful reunification in action in the lives of these four kids and their sweet mom. God is good.
Continue to keep Jessica and her children in your prayers and they continue to see God move in their lives 💜 Learn more about our WIT program.

Field Trip

Mentoring isn’t complicated. Just spending time together makes a difference for many of the young adults we serve.

This is J and his Life Launch team visiting the big blue whale 🐳

We have other young adults like J in need of mentors.

Consider volunteering with our Life Launch program:

WIT Graduate Theresa

Celebrate a Women in Transition Team graduation with us!

Theresa completed 12 months with her Stand in the Gap small group of mentors. Her family joined us at Texas Roadhouse to celebrate!

Theresa got her license, a car, maintained employment, loves her job, works hard, got restored with her family, has her own apartment, and plans to become a volunteer with the Department of Corrections.

Now, that is what we call one year of transformation!

Officially BFF's (Best Friends FOREVER)

Tressie was set to graduate from our Women in Transition program in December; however, one of her small group mentors said: “We haven’t reached the happily ever after moment yet.”
Truthfully, sometimes 12 months just isn’t long enough, though it is our minimum requirement.
We are so grateful this spiritual family wants to continue to stay together and give God more time to show up and show off!
Here is Tressie and her Stand in the Gap small group celebrating one year of mentorship together!
Learn more about our Women in Transition program here.

Learn more about hope.