A Devotion by TJ Warren,
Life Launch Program Director
Prior to Good Friday, many Christians have been following some form of Lenten practice. Lent is a time in the Christian church calendar where 40 days are set aside to ponder the finiteness of the human reality.
As people around the world attend Ash Wednesday services as the inauguration of the season of Lent, they will hear this phrase as ashes are marked in the shape of a cross upon their forehead; “From dust you came and to dust you shall return.”
These ashes are to remind us of our insufficiency, our inability, our brokenness, and ultimately death.
You may ask yourself why the church would practice such a strange thing! Life is already hard enough, why do we need to think about death and all these depressing and sad realities?
Can’t we just live our lives?

Good Friday, as tragic as it is, is cosmically good.
The goodness of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection on our behalf will never be fully uncovered. After Jesus comes again and we have spent millennia with God, we will still be writing songs, reciting poetry, creating art, and using all forms of human expression to describe the greatness of Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. And yet, the surface will have just begun to be scratched!
Oh, the depths and riches of God’s salvation for us in Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit!
The daily life of a Christian is a participation in Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. Every day of the Christian life is the call to participate in Christ’s death, to die to self, and participate in his resurrection to be raised to newness of life.
So Christian, come to this Good Friday to die with Christ. Come to Resurrection Sunday to live in Christ. Celebrate like you have never celebrated, sing like you have never sung, dance, eat, and drink with elated hearts that our God is alive, and so shall we all be the same.