God our provider…
We have heard it said before, but God is our provider and He is constantly moving and working even when we don’t always see it. When I started working in the widows program at Stand In The Gap Ministries, I was so excited to finally hear of a program that specifically was working to reach widows. I knew this was something that was needed and I believed the program God has provided Stand In The Gap Ministries could be used to reach widows around the world.
I was one of those widows who felt alone. I walked the journey of widowhood at 36 and did not know where I belonged or fit in. I knew people cared, but people also did not know what to do to help me. I will forever be grateful for the God people did place in my path, but I would have loved to have a support group like we help churches create through Stand In The Gap Ministries.
With all that said, I am passionate about helping people, churches and nonprofits to reach widows in their churches and communities. I do not want anyone to have to walk the journey I did, but if they are faced with widowhood, I want them to know they are not alone. The amazing part of this passion and calling, is that God is moving. I speak with churches and people almost daily who have heard about the widows program and want to do something to help their widows.
The last two weeks, I have had the opportunity to sit down with leaders that are doing just that. Taking their heart, passion and calling and using it to help the widows in their churches and communities. They each have their own stories of why they are doing what they are doing. From being a widow themselves to simply seeing a need to reach widows and stepping in to meet that need. What they are doing is important, it is a calling and it is a biblical mandate. We are to care for our widows, and they are doing that.
I am blown away to see the blessings that these people are being to the widows they reach. From the stories we hear about people returning to God through having a widows support group to the stories about a young widow taking next steps to start working again and moving forward in her life because of her group, God is moving and He is our provider. He is doing this through people just like you and me. People who feel ill-equipped to step into such a massive calling, but who also know that they have been given a passion and calling and they must follow. As my pastor says again and again, where God leads, HE provides.
So, where are you needing to see God provide? Are you feeling called and passionate to help widows in your church, but you don’t know how? Are you feeling called to do more to love others, but you have no idea what that will look like? Do you know God has a bigger calling placed on your life, but you are afraid of what that will look like? If you answered yes to any of those questions, remember that God is our ultimate provider. He knows how to equip you, He knows how to provide for you. If your passion aligns with helping widows, we would love to share more about our program with you and help you to feel more equipped and supported as you move forward. God is calling each and every one of us and He is also providing in ways we may never realize or imagine.

Amy Woody
Amy Woody brings her personal experience and passion for helping others to her work with widows. She wants you to never forget you have a purpose and a God-given calling placed on your life, no matter what you've been through! Use your hurt to help others!