God equips you..
Have you ever felt like you aren’t good enough? Have you ever felt like you are in WAY over your head? Have you ever questioned why you are doing something? I’m sure most (if not all of us) can answer yes to some or all of these questions.
We’ve all been there, we dive into an experience, a new job, a calling, a relationship, a workout routine and all of the sudden we start to question everything and want to run away and never face that thing. I can tell you firsthand that there have been thousands of times, I felt myself at this place. I tried something new, I followed a calling, I started a new routine and then I got scared and wanted to run away. Sometimes I did give up, ran away and never finished the thing that I started. I will never know whether I could have succeeded or what God could have done in and through me.
You may find yourself in the midst of one of these moments right now. If you are a widow, you know all too well that everyday is a new and terrifying one. Each day you’ll be faced with things you never thought you would do on your own and deal with people and situations you never wanted to face. I have some incredible news for you, are you ready? This is some big news! GOD EQUIPS and He will be with you in each and every step you take. From the smallest thing, to the largest obstacle, He will put the right people in your life. He will put the right resources in your path. He will give you the words to say and He will walk with you through EVERY step of the journey.
My Pastor always says (and my wise Dad reminded me today) that “where God leads, He provides.” Do you believe that? Do you hold onto that truth? Or do you (like I do so many times), run away when it gets hard? When the path seems hard and the answers aren’t clear, do you give up and not follow through to see God’s plan? Do you let fear define your journey? If so, cling to the good news and hope that we have! God will equip you! When you feel like you don’t know what to do, turn to Him. In the small (and the large) things, turn to Him, ask Him, listen to His voice, let Him open those doors and then follow the path He has for you. You are not alone!

Amy Woody
Amy Woody brings her personal experience and passion for helping others to her work with widows. She wants you to never forget you have a purpose and a God-given calling placed on your life, no matter what you've been through! Use your hurt to help others!