Stand in the Gap for WidowsWidows Stages Of Grief… Stages Of Grief... When I was 18, I started college and studied sociology with an…Amy WoodyAugust 17, 2022
Meet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerMeet the Staff and BoardStand in the GapStand in the Gap for WidowsWidows New Staff Feature: Meet Amy New Widow Program Director Amy Woody Amy joined our team in October of 2021 as…Stand in the GapJune 1, 2022
Meet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerStand in the Gap for WidowsVideo Storiesvolunteer stories “That’s the moment I started to feel like myself again.” Her Story, Your Legacy Kerry is a widow who spent two years searching for people…Stand in the GapMay 9, 2022
Stand in the GapStand in the Gap for WidowsWidows Jehovah-Jireh… Jehovah-Jireh… What keeps you awake at night? This weekend one of the pastors at my…Amy WoodyMarch 16, 2022
Stand in the Gap for Widows Community… What is community... When you think of the word, community, what comes to mind? Do…Amy WoodyFebruary 17, 2022
Life LaunchLife Update StoriesStand in the Gap for WidowsStoriesVideo StoriesWomen in Transition A Personal Thank-You We couldn't think of a better way to express gratitude to our volunteers and donors…Stand in the GapNovember 23, 2021
Stand in the Gap for WidowsStoriesVideo Stories Melissa’s Legacy of Hope In this world, there’s a lot you can’t fix. But for one person, you can stop…Stand in the GapNovember 4, 2021
Meet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerStand in the Gap for WidowsVideo Storiesvolunteer stories Sharron’s Story – Change the Ending Her Story, Your Legacy After 30 years as a widow, Sharron was getting used to…Stand in the GapNovember 10, 2019
Meet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerStand in the Gap for Widowsvolunteer storiesWidowsWritten Stories What can I do for a widow? DON'T BE AFRAID TO TALK ABOUT HIM.It's a common theme in our conversations with the…Stand in the GapSeptember 17, 2019
Meet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerStand in the GapStand in the Gap for WidowsStoriesVideo StoriesWritten Stories What’s it really like to be a widow? Jacquelyn says, Life is like a puzzle We used to do puzzles all the time and…Stand in the GapMay 24, 2019