MentoringStand in the Gapvolunteer stories Hey, Volunteers! Thank you. And we have the best volunteers in the world! Stand in the Gap would NOT…Stand in the GapApril 10, 2019
Life LaunchMentoringvolunteer storiesWritten Stories A Simple Act… A Simple Act This week, Shane's Life Launch team celebrated his 23rd birthday with one…Stand in the GapMarch 14, 2019
MentoringStand in the Gap God Uses Us. Hello, Church. We have a problem. There are gaps in our society, places where families…Stand in the GapSeptember 30, 2018
Life Update StoriesMeet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerMentoringVideo Storiesvolunteer storiesWomen in Transition Jeryka’s Story Her Story, Your Legacy This is Jeryka. In 2014, she was addicted, incarcerated, and without…Stand in the GapJune 10, 2018
Life Update StoriesMeet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerMentoringVideo Storiesvolunteer storiesWomen in Transition Rhonda’s Story Her Story, Your Legacy Did you know that our Women in Transition Program Director, Rhonda…Stand in the GapJune 10, 2018
MentoringStand in the Gap What to do? As your small group gets to know each other, it can be helpful to balance…Karen MilsteadMay 18, 2017
Life LaunchMeet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerMentoringStand in the GapStoriesWritten Stories “Until now…” // Isaiah’s Story In September 2016, a group of strangers met at a coffee shop near downtown Tulsa.…Stand in the GapMarch 27, 2017
Life LaunchMeet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerMentoringStand in the GapStoriesVideo Stories Kyla’s Story Warning: Kyla's story contains adult content. And that is the tragedy of Kyla's childhood. When Kyla…Stand in the GapJanuary 11, 2017