Life LaunchLife Update StoriesMeet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerSmall Group Graduation StoriesStoriesWritten Stories Remember Noah? Noah: An Update Going out to eat and to the movies are pretty common activities…Stand in the GapSeptember 1, 2021
Hope is...Stand in the Gap August’s 5 Hope Highlights In an increasingly unstable world, hope is still the most important thing. This month, we…Stand in the GapAugust 25, 2021
Meet the Staff and BoardStand in the Gap Welcome New Board Member Chris Highlight: Chris Bunn At Stand in the Gap we see connections turn into the community…Stand in the GapAugust 20, 2021
Life LaunchMentoringStoriesvolunteer storiesWritten Stories Life Launch Mentor Jess Pictured above are Jess (right), John (middle), and Zach (left). Mentor Highlight: Jess Jenkinson If…Stand in the GapAugust 12, 2021
Meet the Staff and BoardStand in the Gap Set Up for Success Board Member Feature One of the best parts of Stand in the Gap is when…Stand in the GapAugust 5, 2021
Hope is...Stand in the Gap July’s 8 Hope Highlights In an increasingly unstable world, hope is still the most important thing. This month, we…Stand in the GapJuly 28, 2021
Life Update StoriesMeet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerMeet the Staff and BoardStoriesWomen in TransitionWritten Stories Remember Shaunte? Shaunte: An Update Shaunte went from being one of Oklahoma’s most notoriously difficult prisoners to…Stand in the GapJune 25, 2021
Hope is...Stand in the Gap June’s 8 Hope Highlights In an increasingly unstable world, hope is still the most important thing. This month, we…Stand in the GapJune 23, 2021
Hope is...Stand in the Gap May’s 7 Hope Highlights In an increasingly unstable world, hope is still the most important thing. This month, we…Stand in the GapMay 24, 2021