Meet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerMeet the Staff and BoardStoriesVideo StoriesWomen in Transition “I didn’t know my life could be different.” // Shaunte’s story Shaunte went from being one of Oklahoma's most notoriously difficult prisoners, to a life of…Stand in the GapApril 25, 2016
Meet the Staff and BoardStand in the GapWomen in Transition “I Stand in the Gap because…” // Kathy’s Story We took full advantage of our day in the film studio! In addition to filming our…Stand in the GapApril 20, 2016
Stand in the Gap Change on the Horizon // Criminal Justice Reform in Oklahoma A strange thing happened in politics last month: people agreed on something. (more…)Stand in the GapApril 5, 2016
Meet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerStand in the GapStoriesWomen in TransitionWritten Stories A New Tree // Danielle’s Story Over the last five years, Danielle Stendahl has run the Stand in the Gap office…Stand in the GapMarch 31, 2016
Stand in the Gap Considering Life Launch? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of at-risk foster youth in…Stand in the GapMarch 9, 2016
Life LaunchStand in the GapStand in the Gap for WidowsWomen in Transition You Decided to Stand in the Gap. What do you hope for your Stand in the Gap neighbor? The hope of a future…Stand in the GapFebruary 22, 2016
Stand in the Gap for Widowsvolunteer storiesWidowsWritten Stories “This Means the World” // Widow Saturday We had the privilege of looking on while volunteers from Church of the Holy Spirit…Stand in the GapJanuary 27, 2016
Stand in the Gap Why Stand in the Gap? Widows, orphans and prisoners face issues that many of us cannot imagine. Put yourself in…Stand in the GapNovember 27, 2015
Stand in the GapStoriesVideo Stories My Stand in the Gap Story // Gift of Hope People like you chose to Stand in the Gap with Margaret, Jordan, and Brandy...and that…Stand in the GapNovember 26, 2015
Stand in the GapVideo Stories My Stand in the Gap Story // The Beginning Margaret, Jordan and Brandy needed hope. Watch to find out why...Stand in the GapNovember 25, 2015