MentoringStand in the Gap 8 Great Things to do with Your Small Group As your small group gets to know each other, it can be helpful to balance…Stand in the GapJune 10, 2019
Meet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerStand in the GapStand in the Gap for WidowsStoriesVideo StoriesWritten Stories What’s it really like to be a widow? Jacquelyn says, Life is like a puzzle We used to do puzzles all the time and…Stand in the GapMay 24, 2019
Stand in the Gap This One’s for the Moms… Our greatest motivator is to reunite a healthy mother with her children. This Mother's…Stand in the GapMay 9, 2019
Meet the Staff and BoardWomen in TransitionWritten Stories Inmate to Inspiration One Day Last Week, Shaunte Came Running So Rhonda rushed into the class. "What's going…Stand in the GapMay 7, 2019
Meet a Widow, Orphan, or PrisonerStand in the GapStoriesVideo StoriesWomen in TransitionWritten Stories What’s it really like to be in prison? The Last Time Connie Went to Prison Connie was riding in a car containing drug…Stand in the GapApril 22, 2019
Stand in the Gap Good Friday? — A Devotion A Devotion by TJ Warren, Life Launch Program Director Prior to Good Friday, many Christians have…Stand in the GapApril 17, 2019
MentoringStand in the Gapvolunteer stories Hey, Volunteers! Thank you. And we have the best volunteers in the world! Stand in the Gap would NOT…Stand in the GapApril 10, 2019
Stand in the Gap Stand in the Gap and Second Chance Month in the News Originally a project of Prison Fellowship, Second Chance Month has caught on nationwide. The official…Stand in the GapApril 8, 2019
Meet the Staff and BoardStand in the GapStoriesWomen in TransitionWritten Stories It’s Rhonda Bear Day! It's official... It's Rhonda Bear Day! This morning, when Stand in the Gap’s Rhonda Bear…Stand in the GapApril 5, 2019
Life LaunchMentoringvolunteer storiesWritten Stories A Simple Act… A Simple Act This week, Shane's Life Launch team celebrated his 23rd birthday with one…Stand in the GapMarch 14, 2019