Stand in the Gap Connection in the Time of COVID A note from Life Launch Program Manager, OKC, Becky Corbin These are strange days. Today…Stand in the GapMarch 26, 2020
Hope is...Stand in the Gap March’s 9 Hope Highlights In an increasingly unstable world, hope is still the most important thing. This month, we…Stand in the GapMarch 24, 2020
Stand in the Gap A note to volunteers and neighbors (COVID-19 update) What strange times we are living in. It's an interesting time to be alive, huh?…Stand in the GapMarch 19, 2020
Stand in the Gap 2019: By the Numbers… 2019 was a big year for Stand in the Gap. We served more people than…Stand in the GapMarch 12, 2020
Stand in the Gap What We’re Reading… The New York Times offered an interesting insight into the lives of many of our…Stand in the GapMarch 10, 2020
Hope is...Stand in the Gap February’s 8 Hope Highlights Last month we told you hope is the most important thing. This month, we are…Stand in the GapFebruary 25, 2020
Meet the Staff and BoardStand in the Gap 5 Questions with Rhonda – RESTORE task force update Stand in the Gap’s Rhonda Bear just wrapped up one year of service on Governor…Stand in the GapFebruary 17, 2020
Stand in the Gap We are Flourish Award Winners! Each year, Flourish OKC selects an issue facing the city to focus on for 12…Stand in the GapFebruary 13, 2020
Hope is...Stand in the Gap Our Hope Survey Results Why does hope matter? People with "high hope" have goals, a plan to achieve their…Stand in the GapFebruary 6, 2020
Life LaunchStoriesWritten Stories The Top 6 Life Launch God Sightings of 2019 In the day-to-day, it can be hard to recognize and acknowledge where God is working.…Stand in the GapJanuary 23, 2020