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Milo graduation Life Launch

Every once and a while, there’s a graduation that just means a little extra.

It’s not just the completion of high school, but the resiliency, joy, and potential represented by the graduate. When Milo graduated last month from Phoenix Rising (one of our awesome Life Launch partner organizations), he gave the graduate address at the ceremony.

In front of an audience of his peers, Milo shared about his previous experience in high school; fights and distractions that eventually led him to drop out. Two years later, he described himself as “hopeless” and without “a path for life.” When he started at Phoenix Rising, he had 5 high school credits. On his graduation day, he said, “I learned that I can do it. I was ready to get my life back together through the grace of God. Thank you to everyone who had my back.”

He asked one of his Life Launch mentors to be the one to present him with his diploma. Instead, the entire team showed up. They described Milo as “someone you really want to have as a friend,” “generous,” “kind,” “humble,” and “resilient.”

While Milo stood on stage, quietly and humbly taking it all in, his Life Launch team spoke words of affirmation, encouragement, and commitment over him. Two years into their relationship together, they can celebrate how far he’s come and what his future holds. This is what it’s all about.

To Milo, happy graduation! We celebrate your accomplishment and we are here for whatever comes next.

To his Life Launch team, Chris, Nick, Nathan, and Isaac, thank you for your honoring your commitment to show up for Milo so well. Your relationship is a joy to watch.

Are you ready to Stand in the Gap for someone like Milo?

Grab a few friends who you trust and come see us. There are young adults waiting for you.