In an increasingly unstable world,
hope is still the most important thing.
This month, we are sharing some of our “hope highlights” from the last 4 weeks.
May these short stories bring you hope.
Go Hillcats Go!
Last week Dusty started college.
For a lot of people, this is just a regular Spring Semester thing - but for Dusty, it took years of healing to get to this BIG milestone!
Dusty was a victim of abuse at a young age. She went on to live a life of crime: 76 felonies and 4 incarcerations. Some might say there was no hope for a prisoner like her.
But not us. Our God sets captives free!
Dusty is currently in her second Women in Transition small group, living in a family home at His House Outreach Ministries, and has a job as a receptionist at Compassion Women's Center, where she once received help with her pregnancy.
Celebrate dusty with us as she pursues higher education, raises her child, works, and leans into God with the support of her Stand in the Gap family.
Reunification: God's Plan
Field Trip
Mentoring isn’t complicated. Just spending time together makes a difference for many of the young adults we serve.
This is J and his Life Launch team visiting the big blue whale 🐳
We have other young adults like J in need of mentors.
Consider volunteering with our Life Launch program:
WIT Graduate Theresa
Celebrate a Women in Transition Team graduation with us!
Theresa completed 12 months with her Stand in the Gap small group of mentors. Her family joined us at Texas Roadhouse to celebrate!
Theresa got her license, a car, maintained employment, loves her job, works hard, got restored with her family, has her own apartment, and plans to become a volunteer with the Department of Corrections.
Now, that is what we call one year of transformation!
Officially BFF's (Best Friends FOREVER)
WIT Graduate Sherena
Help us celebrate recent Women in Transition Graduate Sherena!!
For the past 12 months in our program, she has been sooo dedicated to change.
She's had a wonderful Stand in the Gap small group who walked with her through Covid, school, restoration, and life changes with children.
This team was filled with challenges AND God sightings - her children, securing reliable transportation, and pursuing an education opportunity.