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Hope is...Stand in the Gap

October’s 12 Hope Highlights

By October 28, 2020June 24th, 2022No Comments

In an increasingly unstable world, 

hope is still the most important thing.

This month, we are sharing some of our “hope highlights” from the last 4 weeks. 
May these short stories bring you hope.

New mom, new job, new graduate

Life Launch Team Gisella celebrated her graduation from Life Launch this month. Over the last year, Gisella has graduated high school, begun working full-time, and become mom to a sweet little one. Her Life Launch team has been by her side and stands with her through whatever the next chapter holds!

LL Team Gisela

A New Spiritual Family

Cindy’s story was featured in our first Episode of Hope. (If you haven’t seen it, watch it here.) Since that time, she’s been matched with a Stand in the Gap spiritual family! The small group will offer each other prayer, wisdom, and time, as Cindy transitions to life after incarceration.

Partnership Progress

As we enter another round of COVID outbreaks, social distancing precautions disproportionately effect the at-risk elderly population. In order to stay healthy, many widows across the country are finding themselves more isolated than ever before. That's why we are so grateful to be continually forming partnerships with churches across the country. These churches will receive the Stand in the Gap for Widows toolkit and be empowered to reach out to these women in safe, proven, effective ways. Help us welcome our newest partners, Church on the Move in Tulsa and Church of the Highlands in Alabama!

Sharing what we've learned

Speaking of our church partners... this month, our Director of Programs, TJ Warren, was asked to train 100+ "NextGen" Ministry staff at Life.Church. He modified our Life Launch volunteer training to encourage and equip the children's ministry staff with the story of how the Gospel calls, equips, and empowers us to care for young people in a restorative, trauma informed, dignified, and beautiful way!

Life.Church training
WIT team Tressie

New Beginnings

We formed a new Women in Transition spiritual family around Tressie this month. Tara, Katie, and Darla will support and mentor her through this season that they've committed to meet together. We are always grateful for front row seats to miracles. Can't wait to see how God moves in the life of this small group!

Flourish Award


Speaking of Branch 15... this month, we officially received the Flourish Award for our partnership with Branch 15! More to come on this award later, but the evening was so special we can't leave it out of this list! Our Stand in the Gap for Widows Program Director, JoLeta Nash, says, "The Flourish Awards night was incredible! I was so impressed by the Branch 15 leadership and how very thankful they are to have Stand in the Gap as a vital partner in their ministry. Lives are truly being changed forever! I was more honored and proud than ever to be part of the SITG family!!"

Learn more about hope.