Hi, I’m Cassandra Frasier and I was an active participant in Women in Transition and a graduate of the class twice. The class taught me many life skills. It also paved the way for me to becoming a better woman of God and into the housing that I’m presently in today, Heather’s Hope. Without them standing in the gap for me, pushing me to make the right choices and continue to better myself in making my everyday life choices, I wouldn’t have been able to have this great opportunity to serve the community, to serve other women that are incarcerated, to serve my family, and to serve myself.
The program taught me that I have a choice and that ‘no’ always means no and ‘yes’ always means yes and to mean either one when I’m making a decision.
It also taught me that every choice we make, every decision we make, we also make the consequences for that.
I’m very grateful and very blessed to have been able to go through the Women in Transition classes and been able to meet Kathy Peacock. She is a big part of the reason why I continue to make the right decisions. She made me feel self-worth, and feel comfortable with myself, and be comfortable in my relationship with the Lord, and to stand up for what he believes in; what he wants in my life.
I used to have a real big problem with boundaries. Taking the class helped me to be able to make some boundaries. Relationships were a big deal in my past life. I’m learning to take care of myself because if I’m not able to take care of myself in a healthy way, I’m not going to be able to take care of anybody else in a healthy way.
That class has really taught me a lot of life skills; helped me talk to people better, help me talk to others about my situation, my circumstances. And I don’t live in my past any more. My today is what I have and my future is what I’m striving for. I know that I can’t live in the past any more. She’s helped me break a lot of strongholds, a lot of barriers, that, if I didn’t take the class, I would still be living in today and so I’m very thankful for that.